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1446 19th Place #300 Vero Beach, Florida 32960
(PH) 772.218.2470 | (FX) 772.492.3311

Child Welfare Attorney in Vero Beach FL

Child Welfare Attorney in Vero Beach FL

Susan Chesnutt is uniquely qualified to support and defend parents who face allegations of neglecting or abusing their children. As a child, she, too, was taken away from her mom and dad and put into protective care through the Department of Children and Family Services in Florida.

Susan deeply understands that, for a child, it can be a traumatic experience to be removed from the only home they know and lose access to the parents they love. She also knows that for children, the family is the backbone for the rest of their lives. Her personal experience has given her a passion for this area of the law.

Child Welfare Attorney in Vero Beach FL


Domestic violence is a serious and challenging problem that results in over 1,500 deaths in the U.S. and as many as 200 in Florida each year. It is…


Being accused of abusing, neglecting, or abandoning a child is one of the most devastating experiences a person can have, and these allegations should…


A parenting plan outlines exactly how divorcing parents will share the rights and responsibilities of raising their children. Parents who are in agreement…


Allegations of parental alienation occur most often in high conflict divorces and they are usually a symptom of deeper issues within the family – intense marital…


When children must be taken out of their homes for their own protection, the preferred option is always to attempt to reunify them with the parents as quickly…