Community Involvement
Supporting the Community of Indian River County
The Child Welfare Legal Team at The Chesnutt Law Firm is heavily involved in supporting the community in Indian River County Florida. Their involvement starts with helping their clients achieve the best results in their cases and extends to working with many local organizations and non-profits.
Susan Chesnutt started a podcast in 2020, From Foster Care to Family Law: A Child Welfare Focus which engages thought leaders in the community about ways to help struggling families. She has produced over 20 episodes with content ranging from helping people going through divorce to raising awareness about human trafficking and introducing non-profit organizations. She is now on the board of Team Success Enterprises as the Director of Advocacy. This opportunity has led to even more involvement with other organizations and non-profits throughout the county.
Listed below are links to all of the organizations that the Child Welfare Legal Team are supporting. We encourage all of our clients and peers to learn more about them and get involved with any organizations that they believe in helping.
Team Success
Local Resources in Indian River County & Florida
Family Law
- High Stakes Communication: http://www.high-stakescommunication.com/
- Sue Dockerill – Florida Divorce Parenting Class Website: https://www.floridadivorceparentingclass.com/
- Dr. Michael O’Hara Website: https://www.drmichaelohara.com/
- Dr. Nancy Vrechek – https://www.vrechek.com/
- Mental Health & Family Law Podcast: https://theminditself.libsyn.com/
- John Whitbeck Mental Health Attorney: https://wblaws.com/
- Team Success Enterprises: https://teamsuccessenterprises.org/
- The Buggy Bunch: https://www.thebuggybunch.com/
- Salvation Army: https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/
- Communities Connected for Kids: http://www.cckids.net/
- Phoenix Rising Wellness Center: https://phoenixrisingwellnesscenter.com/
- Vero Beach Sunrise Rotary Club: http://sunriserotaryverobeach.org/
- CareNet- https://www.care-net.org/
- Friends After Diagnosis- https://www.friendsafterdiagnosis.com/
- Hibiscus Children’s Center- https://hibiscuschildrenscenter.org/programs-svcs/hibiscus-childrens-village/
- Hope for Families: https://hopeforfamilies.org/
- Love to Serve – https://www.lovetoserveirc.com/
- Empower Her Network Website: https://www.empowerhernetwork.org/
- The NoVo Foundation: https://movetoendviolence.org/our-story/novo-foundation/
- Foster Care Volunteers: https://embracefamilies.org/
- Aging Out of Foster Care Assistance: https://keystoindependencefl.com
- Friend of Laporte Farms: https://www.friendsoflaportefarmsinc.org
- Florida Rural Legal Services, https://www.frls.org/
- Gifford Legal Services, https://www.giffordlegal.org/
- Hispanic Resource Fair, https://www.hhccin.com/latino-resource-fair
- Community Resource Fair, https://communityresourcefair.org/
- The Exchange Club of IRC’s Toss Out Child Abuse Event, https://www.facebook.com/ECOFIR/
- Paralegal Association of Florida Treasure Coast Chapter, https://treasurecoast.pafinc.org/chapters/
- Indian River County Sheriff’s Office Inmate Job Fair.
- Alliance Bernstein Wealth and Management: https://www.alliancebernstein.com/
- William E. Lewis Jr. and Associates: https://thecreditreportwithbilllewis.wordpress.com/
- Divorce and Lending Association: https://www.divorcelendingassociation.com/
- Michael Schreiber: https://cdlpcertified.com/CDLP/michaelschreiber.html
Government Organizations
- Florida Department of Children and Families: https://www.myflfamilies.com/
- Guardian ad Litem Program: https://guardianadlitem.org/
- Florida Department of Juvenile Justice: http://www.djj.state.fl.us/
Local Events
- Rise of the Warrior: https://www.facebook.com/Risefights/