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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of controlling behavior used by one person to exert power and domination over an intimate partner, characterized by violence or the threat of violence. This abusive behavior is not only disrespectful and hurtful but can manifest in various forms, including intentional physical abuse (such as slapping, hitting, or strangling), emotional manipulation (like using children against a partner or name-calling), and controlling actions (such as restricting computer use or isolating a partner from family and friends). Additional examples include threatening behavior (suicide or murder threats), financial control (withholding money or employment opportunities), stalking, and demands for unwanted sexual practices. It’s essential to recognize that these actions can constitute crimes under Florida law, and victims of domestic abuse are never at fault or to blame for the abuse they experience.
domestic violence

How Domestic Violence Affects Children

For Life's Toughest Times

Regardless of your journey, I’m here to support you.

In homes where domestic violence occurs, approximately 87 percent of children witness the abuse, according to Florida’s Dependency Benchbook. Each year, between seven and 14 million children are exposed to violence against a parent or caretaker, with rates of physical abuse or neglect in these homes estimated to be nine to 15 times higher than the national average. Children can suffer physical and emotional abuse, injuries while trying to protect adult victims, and threats used to control parents.
Research shows that these children are more likely to exhibit aggressive behaviors, experience low self-esteem, face academic challenges, and engage in substance abuse or crime. In Florida, around seven percent of domestic homicide victims are children killed by a parent. Moreover, even after an abuser is removed from the home, they often escalate their attempts to maintain control, complicating the situation for the children involved.

Help for Victims of Domestic Violence

Victims of domestic violence often need more than just separation and restraining orders, as these measures may not eliminate the risk of harm and can lead to escalated violence. It’s essential for victims to create an action plan that includes relocating to a shelter and filing a Petition for Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence.
The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) operates 42 certified domestic violence centers offering free crisis intervention and support services, including:
  • Information and referral
  • Counseling
  • Case management
  • Emergency shelter
  • 24-hour crisis and hotline services
  • Child assessment
  • Professional training
  • Community Education
  • Safety planning
Additional services may include legal advocacy, transportation, relocation assistance, life skills training, transitional housing, daycare, and outreach programs. Support groups are also available, focusing on relationships, trauma, empowerment, and self-esteem.

Accused of Domestic Violence?

Steps You Can Take

Confirm Your Identity:

Identify yourself to police, but don’t provide extra information.

Be Cooperative:

Engage respectfully with law enforcement.

Consult an Attorney:

Avoid signing any statements until you’ve spoken with a lawyer.

Follow Release Conditions:

Adhere strictly to any conditions set by the judge.

Seek Legal Representation:

Contact a criminal defense attorney immediately.

Complete Mandatory Programs:

Be prepared to enroll in a Batterer’s Intervention Program if convicted.

Contact an Experienced Florida Domestic Violence Attorney Today

Whether you are a victim of domestic violence or you are being accused of battering an intimate partner, you need skilled legal representation. Vero Beach Florida Attorney Susan Chesnutt learned system from inside out –  as a child of abusive parents, a foster child, a social worker, a DCF investigator, a prosecutor, and now as a private attorney with a child-welfare centered practice.