Introduction to Greyson’s Law
Greyson’s Law, a significant and recently signed legislation, mandates Florida courts to consider evidence or reasonable suspicion of domestic violence, sexual violence, abuse, neglect, or abandonment in custody or time-sharing arrangements. This legislation expands the factors the court considers in domestic violence injunctions, including an update to the forms used to petition for such injunctions.
The Tragic Story Behind Greyson’s Law
This bill, SB 310, is named after Greyson Kessler. Greyson was only four years old when his father killed him in a 2021 murder-suicide. Greyson’s mother, Ali Kessler, had previously voiced concerns that Greyson’s father was abusive and made consistent threats to her well-being. Despite her concerns, Greyson’s father did have custody and shared parental responsibility.
Key Provisions of Greyson’s Law
Greyson’s Law is expected to significantly impact family court cases with evidence of domestic and sexual violence, abuse, neglect, or abandonment. This law, which empowers parental voices with reasonable concern about their children’s safety, allows family court judges to consider additional factors. It ensures that parental concerns over their child’s safety are not just heard, but also have the opportunity to be presented as evidence for consideration in court. This legislation underscores the importance of parental involvement in the protection of vulnerable children in cases of family violence.
Updates to Domestic Violence Injunctions
The legislation’s update to the form for petitions for domestic violence injunctions will allow Florida judges to see an even clearer picture of what dangers a parent reasonably believes are present not only to themselves but also to the shared minor children of the parties. As stated by Magistrate Wartenberg of the 13th Circuit and previous Chair of the Florida Family Law Section, Greyson’s Law will provide Florida courts with “much-needed guidance on what factors to take into account to alter parental responsibility given the threat of danger or detriment to a child.”
The Hope for a Safer Future
The aspiration of lawmakers and the judiciary is that Greyson’s Law will not only save children’s lives but also prevent future tragedies such as the loss of Greyson Kessler. This hope, rooted in the potential of the law, is a source of optimism for the future of child welfare in family court cases.
If you are looking to get a divorce with a legal team that puts the welfare of your children at the forefront, the Child Welfare Team at the Chesnutt Law Firm is ready to assist you. Please get in touch with our office at 772-492-3330 to schedule your consultation.